Things That Are More Important Than Reels Views.

If I am being completely honest, I have a love-hate relationship with chasing Reels views. A lot of our follower feedback is the same! While it is super fun (and even addictive) to watch your Reels go viral - views are not everything.

However, you might be thinking that getting a ton of views usually means you’re on the right track. You’re totally right! Maybe you nailed a fun transition or you have been talking about something hilariously niche, yet relatable. Lots of views can bring a number of things:

  • New inquiries and clients.

  • Engaged and aligned followers.

  • New eyes on your content leading to new collaboration opportunities.

On the other hand, it’s also really easy to get stuck focusing on creating content that gets ONLY views. I totally get lost in trends too, so balancing the trendy yet relatable Reels with educational, valuable content is my goal. If you’re finding yourself obsessing about views and trends like I was, here are a couple things that are more important than Reels views:

  1. Creating content that sells. Make sure that your Reel is relevant to what your overall Instagram goal is. If you’re trying to sell a product or services, make sure your Reel relates to this completely.

  2. What people do after viewing your Reel. Like, comment, save or DM - it’s all positive! Make sure you’re including those call to actions at the end of your caption.

  3. Content that is true to your brand. This goes hand in hand with #1, but is specific to your brand or personality. If something doesn’t resonate with you, but is trending then skip it! No need to force something that isn’t there.

  4. Having fun with your Reels. This is our motto here at B Squared Social! Social media should be fun, always! Enjoy it, and if it’s not fun then skip it.

  5. Work/life balance. Recently I’ve been taking weekends off because Instagram isn’t going anywhere. This way you can come back on Monday feeling refreshed and inspired with your content.


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