Is A 30-Day Reels Challenge Right For You?

I have been hearing and seeing a lot of hype around 30 day Reels Challenges - explosive growth, massive spikes in engagement and renewed creativity around content creation.

For me, it was a lot of extra work without the extra results. So, I abandoned ship 3/4 of the way through. I had been neglecting my usual posting schedule to keep up with the challenge. It really wasn’t seeming worth it to me.

That being said, I’ve heard a lot of our followers have had great success with Reels challenges!

Here are some of the pros and cons I’ve come across:


  • Encourages you to use more of the Reels features.

  • Reels become ‘easier’ in that you get more comfortable and faster at making them.

  • Increases your reach.

  • Has been known to blow up your account.


  • Time consuming regardless at how good you are at making Reels.

  • Results are not guaranteed.

  • Takes away from other priorities in your business.

Seeing as there are just as many benefits as there are negatives, challenges like these are about deciding what is right for you and your business in this particular moment. Maybe your business is the type that is really busy during the summer months, and starting a Reels challenge isn’t the right time for you right now. Then again, during your downtime it might be a good time to start a challenge to keep your content rolling. Focus your energy where it’s best suited and where you can!

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Things That Are More Important Than Reels Views.


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