December Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas

Looking to shake up your Reels game? You're in the right spot.

Each week, we'll showcase some of the top the Reels trends for small business owners, influencers, service providers, and coaches including weekly trending sounds plus how to use them in your business.

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December 2023 Reels Ideas

December 25:


🔗 525,600 Minutes

There are so many different ways you could use this version of the hit song from “Rent”

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is showcasing something that you’ve spent a lot of time on. Maybe it’s how long you (or your audience) has spent thinking about a certain topic, how much time it takes to complete certain tasks or – like the artist in Example Two – how much work goes into your products.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: “How long does it take you to make [your products]?”

  • Service-based: “How much time do you spend thinking about [topic related to your business]?”


This service-based example uses the audio to share knowledge her audience will relate to!

December 18:


🔗 Hurricane

Bridgit Mendler’s poppy tune is perfect for an upbeat Reel.

How to use it: 

The idea behind this trend is creating a contrast between something that maybe isn’t so fun (finishing reps in a workout, an unkind comment) with a silly little “la la la” kind of dance. You could also use it to shine a light on confusing behaviors like “You say you want [solution] but you still haven’t tried [your product or service].”

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: When you say you can’t find the perfect [product type] but we have [3 different kinds, etc.]

  • Service-based: POV: You’re a successful [your title] but people still ask how your little business is going


This service-based example uses the song to showcase her workspace and a hook that makes it clear exactly who she serves.

December 11:


🔗 I love you, I love you, I love youuu!

This clip from “Elf” is perfect for this time of year

How to use it: 

This seasonally-appropriate trend is all about showcasing what you love as a business owner. It could be the support you get from your customers, clients who appreciate your work, others in your community who share your viewpoints, or just favorite tools and resources. There are two ways to use it: either with both voices (adding “wow, that was weird”) or simply using the first voice and spotlighting something you love!

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: Me when customers support our small business

  • Service-based: POV: You walk in on me with my [tool or resource you love]


The provider in this service-based example uses the clip to invite lots of engagement!

December 4:


🔗 “Ears Hang Low” Instrumental

A twist on a classic nursery rhyme – and you can use it for almost anything!

How to use it: 

The great thing about this trend is that it really isn’t a trend. The sound is trending but people are using it in all kinds of different ways. That makes it perfect for this time of year when we could all use something easy! Take the opportunity to pair the sound with some classic hooks that always work: think POVs, “the feeling when”, “when someone says”, “here’s why you’re not”, lists, etc.

Hook Ideas:

  • Product-based: “How’s your little [niche] business going?”

  • Service-based: There are two types of people in this world [type and type – relevant to your niche] and they always marry each other. (Ex: There are two types of people in this world: one who loves to DIY [something you help with] and one who can’t stand it. They always marry each other.)


The sound makes this service-based example extra funny.


January Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas


November Reels Trends: Hot Off the Press Weekly Instagram Reels Ideas