Staying Sane On Social Media

Although I’m still a work in progress when it comes to my mindset towards social media, June 2020 a major shift happened for me. Just like in life, there are so many variables on social media (specifically Instagram) that we can’t control. Prior to June 2020, I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to take my presence on Instagram very seriously. After feeling bogged down and stuck, I decided to start viewing Instagram as a FUN outlet. Again, this took a lot of work and re-framing of my mindset.

This whole shift allowed me to focus on the things I CAN control rather than the stuff that’s out of my control. If you’re stuck like I was, check out in the info graphic below. Start focusing on the items that are relevant to you in the centre circle, and you too can adopt the same mindset towards social media and Instagram specifically.

My advice is always to do what you can with what you have — sometimes this means you are posting 10’s of reels before one actually ‘takes off.’

Here is 4 checklist items you’ll need to complete to shift your mindset when it comes to social media!

1. Investing (and continue to invest) in courses, programs and memberships that help me continually level up (personally and professionally). This of course gives you ideas and tips to master social media, but it also gives you the confidence in your role as social media manager to know you’re making the right decisions rather than throwing wet noodles at a wall and hoping something sticks. Get advice from REAL experts, and sometimes that means investing in education.

2. “Mute” or unfollow accounts that you find triggering in unhelpful ways. Comparison is a natural response when you’re on social media regularly. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone! Instead, maybe give that account a break for a while. Stay in your own lane, and connect with those who uplift you! (Relevant for real life and social media).

3. Commit to learning something new each day! This is super fun. Break out your notebook, and once a day for a month jot down something you learned regarding social media, your business or industry. It’s crazy how our mind tricks us into not thinking were learning anything when we actually are! Even if it’s small (to you), it’s still important!

4. Set healthy boundaries around social media usage. It is tempting to answer every DM you get right away, but chances are that person has already moved off the platform after sending. It’s okay to designate certain times of the day for answering DMs and comments. It won’t be detrimental to your social media presence. It’s also incredibly healthy for you to truly turn off from your apps. Give yourself some grace here!

Social media can be stressful at times, but you got this!


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