Spring Clean Your Social Media

I’ll admit it: I love spring cleaning. There’s just something about clearing out the old to make way for the fresh and new that feels inspiring. 

And the truth is our social accounts can get just as cluttered and dusty as our closets. Spring cleaning your social media is every bit as satisfying as dusting the ceiling fan – but way less messy! 

Here are our favorite tips to get your social media ✨shining✨ like new! 

Profile pic: Does yours need an update? Do you have new headshots to add? We love to keep it simple with a headshot over a plain coloured background and you can easily make this in Canva! To avoid confusing your audience, we don’t recommend updating your profile pic too often, but it’s a nice way to breathe new life into your profile! This quick video tutorial shows you how you can create a fun new headshot in Canva.


Title/name: Is your title still aligned with your offerings and niche? Are you using the best and most relevant keywords? If you haven’t revisited this in awhile, take a look and see if it could use some freshening up. I like to use the Google Keyword Planner tool.


Bio: Make sure your bio is clear and simple, covering who you work with and how you help them! Include results, social proof, or your relevant education and training to position yourself as the expert. And don’t forget to add a call to action, whether it’s grabbing your freebie, booking a call, or shopping your new products.


Highlights: Go through and delete anything old / irrelevant. Now is the perfect time to update your highlight cover images too for a fresh look. Canva has a ton of super cute and customizable options for this!


Content: Hop into your insights and take a look at how things have been performing for the last 3-6 months. If your results are a little lackluster, never fear— my favorite Instagram templates for engagement* are here to help!

Hashtags: using hashtags for your business on Instagram can be incredibly time-consuming with little to show for results if you don’t have a hashtag strategy at work. If you are not seeing results from the hashtags you’re currently using, I recommend checking out Flick to help you find, manage, and analyze Instagram hashtags.*

Following: This one is optional but take a quick look and see if you want to clean up who you follow. Are there accounts that you no longer feel connected with or whose content might not be relevant? Don't spend a ton of time on this, but it's good to be mindful and intentional with who you see on your newsfeed!

I recommend reviewing your Instagram profile 2-3 times a year to make sure that it is an accurate reflection of your business and your offerings. Your profile might be the first time someone ever hears of you, so you want to ensure you are putting your best foot forward on Instagram!

*PS: this blog post contains affiliate links. This means when you use my link to buy, I get a small percentage of the proceeds at no additional cost to you. As you know, I only recommend tools I truly love and these are no exception!


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